Provide exceptional care for children when parents and other family members are unavailable. Care for children’s basic needs. Help children keep good hygiene. Change the diapers of infants and toddlers.
Help children prepare for the next level of learning and assist older children with homework. Keep daily notes of progress, routines, and interest.
Supervise and monitor the safety of children in their care
Organize activities or implement a curriculum that allows children to learn about the world and explore interests. Develop schedules and routines to ensure that children have enough physical activity, rest, and playtime.
During mealtime, the staff should encourage proper table manners, stimulate conversations, encourage self help skills, and encourage children to try new foods by talking about textures, ingredients, and how the food is grown and taken to market
Be consistent in following through classroom rules using time out and natural and logical consequences as methods of disciplining. Accentuate the positive.
Verified proof of background check
Proof on ECAC or CDA
Proof of Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR