We are in the process of building our child care jobs database to help find jobs and employee easier and cheaper. Please be patient as we're improving our system to serve you better.
We offer subtitute, part-time, full-time and permanent postions in local childcare centers, pre-schools, and after school programs. Flexible hours, and tuition reinbursement.
Substitute Aides, Experienced Aides, and Certified Teachers for part-time, full-time preschool and child care centers in Orlando and surrounding areas.
work for make such healthy food choices and I am a part of that. I clock in about 6:20 am then we go into the sanitation room and put on beard and hair guards. then wash hands, then we get our respective aprons, gloves, and all other PPE and sanitary ... more
Teach VPK class while having fun. Plan the lesson and go on fieldtrips every friday. M to F, 9am to 5pm. Positive Family and friends enviornment. Always Looking to improve self and others.