Young Voices Child Development Center - Lincoln NE Child Care Center

8080 O ST , Lincoln NE 68510
(402) 484-8342
5 Reviews

About the Provider


Young Voices Child Development Center recognizes that each child is a unique individual. Listening to a child carefully is crucial to understanding how a child feels at any given moment. Every child comes to our child care center with their own special likes, dislikes, feeling and fears. A child's voice is the way they communicate those special feelings and desires. It is our goal for every child that attends Young Voices to feel a sense of belonging. It is important to us that they feel this is not just a place they come to during their parents absence, but that Young Voices Child Care Center is a special haven, a place where they feel safe and secure.

Additional Information:

First Initial License Date: 08/01/2007.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CCC8837
  • Capacity: 115
  • Age Range: 6 WKS to 12 YRS
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2007-08-01
  • District Office: Nebraska DHHS - Division of Public Health - Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-600-1289 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


shayslonaker 2018-03-09 04:25:06
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

SO unprofessional, would NEVER recommend this daycare to anyone! has left me with an emotional scarring experience. it all started with an altercation with the assistant director over me being late. (i had called and explained why, and what time i would be there) like i was asked to do. she proceeded to rip me out in front of my children. this is not the first time this has happened and the only reason i didn’t remove my children was because i thought it was a personal problem, with me. not me and the whole facility. 20 minutes after the altercation the police were called on me for child neglect. my children were stripped down into their diapers, and pictures taken of their bodies without my knowledge for no other reason than the mongolian spots they have on their butts, that are documented at the hospital and their doctors office for this reason. keep in mind my children have been going there for two months. they have been seeing their mongolian spots for TWO months. never changing shape, color, anything because thats exactly and all that they are. 40 minutes after i get home the police are knocking at my door saying a report has been made because my children had marks, dirty cloths, and dirty bottles. i was more than happy to let the police officer into my home to see their rooms, a huge pile of clean cloths i had just freshly washed the night before on my table, eggs and bacon on their high chairs from breakfast. the officer told me the lady that had called and it was coincidentally the same lady i had gotten into the altercation with! upon picking my children up, NOT ONE stain was on my childrens cloths. their bottles were clean. the comment was made “oh we weren’t expecting you to pick them up” when i picked up my kids immediately after i had gotten done with the police, them not finding one single thing wrong, my son had been sitting in his own poop there long enough to get a horrible rash from it! hes TWO on the 24th. my youngest baby has a full diaper of pee. no parent should ever have to deal with this and someone calling soley out of spite. you DONT falsely report on something like this. im due next month and the stress all of this has caused me is insane!

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Sharon 2017-11-29 01:47:18
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

It might not hurt to up date the address and info.
The address is 8080 O St., I believe they moved the end of 2016 to a new larger building, capacity 113,
My child was very happy there for several years before she started school. Very nurturing environment!!

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Concerned Parent 2017-08-01 14:35:15
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I would not recommend this daycare for your child or children. The director lacks professional skills and she is very rude. I made a suggestion and she stated that it was not needed. I made a complaint and she didn't care. In fact, she asked me and my child to leave because she didn't think we were a good fit for her daycare. They have low staffing issues all the time and are always moving your child around the center to accommodate the low staff-to-child ration. I asked for the owner's contact information and she walked me out of the building and told me that she would call the police. Most of the staff are very unprofessional. They dress like they just rolled out of bed in the morning.

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Parent 2017-04-26 23:12:30
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

The staff and management lack customer service skills and the ability to communicate in a non hostile manner. Luanne Christiansen the director is very rude, disrespectful and unprofessional. The family that owns the daycare has issues that are brought to work. The previous director was the daughter who dressed very inappropriately to work with children. I do not recommend this daycare to anyone.

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Kris 2016-08-20 16:28:22
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Really went downhill with the hiring of a new director.. she has fired or run off all of her staff in just 2 months. Many other families have left as well

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