Our Mission
at the Learning Tree Child Care & Preschool is to provide the best early education experience available to meet the unique needs of every child and family enrolled in the program. The Learning Tree is a faith-based center incorporating and teaching Christian values. We Believe that the years of early childhood are the most important in the lives of individuals. The Learning Tree staff will work to ensure that each child's spiritual, physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills are nurtured in a positive environment.
First Initial License Date: 09/15/2006. Participates in the USDA Child Care Food Program;
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Paid money to have spots held. Then had to wait a week to tour the facility. Had multiple calls, text messages, and face to face communication with the director Kerri. Toured on Thursday. Dicussed setting up an observation on Friday. Was told to call back Monday. Called and left messages to observe facility on Monday. Didn't hear back for 48 hrs. Called again Wednesday morning and was notified the positions were given away due to 'not hearing from us' despite the holding money and phone calls/messages. Kerri was not sympathetic nor apologetic. Reported this incident to the board of directors.