Stepping Stone Academy (base Of Tn Co) - Murfreesboro TN Centers Care for 13 or more children

(615) 713-2574
2 Reviews

About the Provider


Our philosophy at Stepping Stone Academy is based on the idea that children are the greatest resource the world has to offer. In this belief, we feel that every child should be treated with respect and given the best opportunity to grow, learn, and build self-esteem to the fullest of their ability.

Our teachers will help your child do this through developmentally appropriate activities that are geared for building physical, mental, and social skills. Our curriculum at Stepping Stone Academy is designed to find and build on each child's individual needs and talents. We have a progressive, hands on, structured learning program that will teach each child on his or her own learning level. Your child will be in a positive, upbeat, and nurturing environment where he or she can bond with his or her teachers and friends.

Additional Information:

Sibling Discount Available; Provider First Licensed on: 01/24/2011; 3 Star Child Care Center; Wheelchair Accessible;

Stepping Stone Academy (base Of Tn Co) Photos: (Click to enlarge)

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 63660
  • Capacity: 131
  • Age Range: 6 WK to 5 YR
  • State Rating: 3
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
  • Transportation: NO
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2011-01-24
  • Current License Issue Date: 2015-05-01
  • District Office: Tennessee Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: (615)849-0770 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: ARIEL JONES

Location Map


Mindy 2023-01-26 19:37:17
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Understaffed under managed and unrealistic regulations that they say are DCS regulated! Well to be frank I'm a foster parent and have reached out to DCS to validate my unrealistic regulations and quote "said thats not a mandatory thing to give kids juice" it's nearly a suggestion. And the soap and water on table is for sensory play ok but how many times a day and and what's the ratio of soap and water???? This is a great daycare as long as you’re a stay at home parents and can go and pick them up twice a week. and God forbid you have a request like please don’t give my child juice because it upsets their stomach the response I got was it state law we have to. The next response is sorry your kid has diarrhea time to come get about we check the kids that don't have diapers, they are the ones more likely to spread viruses as they don't always wash their hands! so many better daycares out there than this one like Stonebrook Day School that’s a phenomenal daycare this one I wouldn’t stop in to use the bathroom.

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Stephanie 2016-11-13 16:24:32
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I brought my daughter, 3, here on October 10th for the step 4 class with Miss. Emily and Miss. Skye. While Miss. Emily was great, and very positive when it came to addressing tantrums/problems during the day, I can not say the same about Miss. Skye. Within the first few days of starting at Stepping Stone I found a bruise on her cheek. Both teachers said she had not fallen. I showed the bruise to Miss. Skye and she then tells me "She told me she fell off the slide but I did not see it happen." Company policy states "an incident report must be signed, if a physical mark is left." It was not until the next day I was presented with an incident report. Shortly after that I found dried fecal matter in her underwear. No one had assisted her wipe after she went poop. October 26th, I noticed an obvious concrete scratch on her elbow. We have gravel at home. My kid is clumsy, I know this. I was not notified she had fallen down. To me, it seems like someone is not paying attention to my child. October 27th, I found my child sitting in her soiled underwear & pants, waiting in line to get water after being on the playground. Miss. Skye's only response was "She said she had to go on the playground and I noticed her pants were wet when I took her". I don't know how much time had passed since her accident but it is unacceptable to not change her immediately after an accident. I provide 1 shirt, 3 pairs of pants & underwear and 2 pairs of socks in her backpack. My child was completely potty trained with occasional accidents at night. Now she will not tell me she has to go and is wetting the bed every night. October 28th, I turned in a notice that my child will not be returning due to the following occurrence. I was told "Miss. Skye has never been this ineffective but I will speak with her." Since then my child has come home with dried poop in her underwear again, cut a chunk of her hair off, and today I picked her up and she was not wearing socks from an accident she had earlier that day. I also witnessed a child pulling on another child's hood while he was on the ground and it took Miss. Skye way too long to stop them. The most I can say is if you can not provide quality child care, rethink your profession. I paid $165 a week for quality care and I was given inadequate and ineffective care. She starts Kids r Kids on Monday where the teachers genuinely like children and she will get the proper care Stepping Stone failed to provide.

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