Description: South Platte Preschool is focused on serving children between ages 3 – 5 years old. Our goals are to help meet the needs of your child by helping him/her grow emotionally, socially, academically, and physically. This will be accomplished in the following ways:
Building up a positive self-concept daily.
Providing a safe, positive, and stable learning environment.
Learning to interact by sharing, caring, problem solving, and respecting each other.
Providing exploratory and guided play.
Encouraging language development.
Learning values such as honesty, respect, and cooperation.
Providing activities to develop small and large motor skills.
Providing hands on learning centers and activities that help build pre-literacy skills and early math and science awareness.
Learning at South Platte Preschool takes place in a hands on active learning environment through teacher directed activities as well as child initiated play. The academics highlighted each day will be done during teacher directed times; however, on a daily basis the children are engaged in activities that provide social/emotional, literacy, language, cognitive, creative, and physical growth.
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