Description: Welcome to the Volunteers of America - Western Nebraska Chappell Childcare Center.
Residents of the town of Chappell wanted and needed a childcare center to help support families in their community. With a great deal of community support from the Miller Memorial Nursing Home, the Thomas Buckley Trust and local residents, the childcare center was created in the lower floor of Miller Memorial Nursing Home at 589 Vincent Avenue, Chappell. Volunteers of America - Western Nebraska was asked to sponsor the childcare center. The Center is licensed for 25 children through the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and accepts children from 6 weeks of age through 13 years old. Chappell Childcare’s hours of operation are from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. The center is closed on all legal holidays.
The loving care of staff provides a safe and caring environment for all children. Staff and the center are supported by an advisory board that helps to oversee the center and raises funds to keep the center open and purchase new equipment and toys.
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