Description: PRAIRIEVIEW PRESCHOOL is a child care center in Lincoln NE, with a maximum capacity of 30 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 3 YRS to 5 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
Additional Information: First Initial License Date: 09/27/2007.
PO Box 526, 14332 O ST, PO Box 526, 14332 O ST Lincoln NE 68520
District Office:Nebraska DHHS - Division of Public Health - Child Care Licensing
District Office Phone:1-800-600-1289 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
Location Map
Danielle2018-07-31 14:11:54
I have used this provider for more than 6 months
I took my kids to Prairieview for 7 years straight (3 diferent kids) miss Kitra is so sweet and kind with the kids. I LOVE the country feel and that my kids could go explore nature as part of their preschool experience. We LOVE it there and will be back in 2 years when my 4th child is old enough to go :)
I dropped off my 3rd child today for our last first day of preschool. We have gone to Prairieview preschool for the past 7 years (the combination of all 3 of my kids). I can not say enough GREAT things about Mrs Kitra and Mrs Dawn. They are kind, caring and gentle people. My favorite parts of preschool is the holiday program, the nature walks, feeding the goats and the ice cream social. It is so fun to get to see your little one interact with their little friends. I have personally referred about 8 people to go to Prairie View over the past years so I am so happy to be able to share my GREAT experience to others as well. If I could give them more then 5 stars I would!!!
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I took my kids to Prairieview for 7 years straight (3 diferent kids) miss Kitra is so sweet and kind with the kids. I LOVE the country feel and that my kids could go explore nature as part of their preschool experience. We LOVE it there and will be back in 2 years when my 4th child is old enough to go :)
I dropped off my 3rd child today for our last first day of preschool. We have gone to Prairieview preschool for the past 7 years (the combination of all 3 of my kids). I can not say enough GREAT things about Mrs Kitra and Mrs Dawn. They are kind, caring and gentle people. My favorite parts of preschool is the holiday program, the nature walks, feeding the goats and the ice cream social. It is so fun to get to see your little one interact with their little friends. I have personally referred about 8 people to go to Prairie View over the past years so I am so happy to be able to share my GREAT experience to others as well. If I could give them more then 5 stars I would!!!