Pooh's Playground - Medford OR Family Child Care

, Medford OR 97504
(541) 816-0309
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Pooh's Playground is a Family Child Care in Medford OR. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 1 year to 11 years 11 months. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Extended Hour Care: Early morning (starting between 3 am and 5:59 am),Evening (after 6:30 pm),Flexible am,Flexible pm

Program and Licensing Details

  • Age Range: 1 year to 11 years 11 months
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Oregon Employment Department - Child Care Division
  • District Office Phone: 503-947-1400 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


Crystal Oct 10, 2019
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Kristen was acting very strange kept walking to back of house and looking very nervous come to find out she had a stranger she met online around the kids, and my child was sad every time I picked up, my child kept complaining about butt hurting so after my child complaining and screaming terrified when I tried to look or tell her to go to the bathroom I took her to the doctor and he said she must of had a scary memory of going potty like painful constipation, before my last shift my child never was terrified or had pain going potty not one incident in to years of life never even had constipation by the end of my shift my child was different afraid and insecure not the happy go lucky baby I dropped off, when I dropped her off my baby grabbed my leg like she didn't want to go I will never forget that :'( I should have walked away right then, it's been a year my child still has not out grown that trauma this is a guilt that will forever sit on my shoulders if you choose to send your kids here please be aware send nanny cams send video recorders talk to the kids just be aware don't let your baby walk away with emotional traumas

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Ariel M Mar 14, 2018
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I chose this daycare cause it seemed to be a nice home. Then all hell broke loose, the very first time I picked my kids up my baby (usually a very light sleeper) woud not wake up took me about 5 min to get her eyes open and she looked very confused and my cousin told me something was very wrong and I figured it was just my anxiety so I tried shoving the terrible feeling out my head the very next day I went to pick my kids up and their was my baby once again strapped in her carseat on the coach with nobody in arm reach of her and my 2 yr old was crying I asked why and she told me she must be tired and the care provider son told me my daughter was growling (which she does when you try to grab her arms) but no explanation! So the last straw was I had went to pick my daughter up and she was in a carseat set at the bottom of a playpen with a blanket bunched up and thrown on her face with the carseat straps so tight I struggled to unclip the chest clip???? I asked her how long my daughter had been like that she told me 10 min then I asked again right before walking out the door for last time and she told me about 25 min so she lied! She also at one point was caught leaving my baby's with her son without my permission! I feel really disgusting for not halting services on first day and I felt disgusted that this woman would treat kids like that no baby should be left in a carseat all day and I should have been given a explanation for any incidents

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Providers in ZIP Code 97504