Pell City Child Development Center - Pell City AL Day Care Centers

(205) 338-1133
5 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Pell City Child Development strives to provide a quality educational environment for children. The center offers a happy learning and safe environment where children age three (3) weeks to thirteen (13) years old can receive developmental care Monday through Friday. Our Staff plans and carries out a daily program including physical, cognitive and emotional growth and development in a safe and happy environment. Our mission is to provide a safe , fun , loving, and educational environment for all children.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: At Center
  • Age Range: 3 WKS Through 13 YRS
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Alabama Department of Human Resources - Child Care Services Division
  • District Office Phone: (334)242-1425 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type/Action Description Date
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-08-31
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-08-31
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-08-20
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-08-20
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-07-15
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-07-15
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-07-15
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-07-15
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-06-23
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-06-23
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-05-20
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-05-20
Deficiency Form View Form 2021-05-20
Evaluation Form View Form 2021-05-20
Evaluation Form View Form 2021-05-20

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Johnny Grissom 2023-08-28 16:28:34
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

My 20 month old grandson started there 2 weeks ago. On day 3, when I arrived to pick him up, I was told “he’s already left”. I told them he couldn’t have because my daughter or myself are the only ones available to pick him up and I just off the phone with my daughter. She then said, oh, you are here to pick up G@&$?:n. We have another grandfather that looks like you who already picked up their grandson. What if I had not talked to my daughter prior to arriving. It was 10 minutes before they close! Also in first 10 days he was sent home without his sipping cup. Was told he didn’t have one. I told them I drop him off every morning with a sipping cup, so I know he had one. Each time, the next day, 2 sipping cups went home. Miraculously they were found and sent home the next day. This place seems to be very chaotic and mismanaged.

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julie 2015-06-12 17:40:33
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I gave a one star because they didn't have a zero. My child attended here. He learned absolutely nothing. He had a friend that attended with him who was seriously injured by an object that should have been attached to the wall. This center is anything but a development center for children. We experienced six different directors there within an eight month period which is unheard of I'm told. My son is out of there. Learned more in the two weeks he's been at his new daycare than he did the whole time at Pell City childcare and development.

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not an employee 2014-01-04 01:19:15

State was called in due to overdosing a child. Also many complaints by parents about men hanging around this daycare. These men do not have children attensding but are there visiting their girlfriends. None of this is by state regulations as the employee above posted. I removed my child from this center because of safety concerns for her.

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daycare11 2012-03-30 02:37:25

It is sad when a former employee, who was terminated due to their actions must be little a center to make themselves feel better...The center has a wonderful name with the area and DHR...It also has a high score with the health department...The two times in three years that state has been called (by former employees who were terminated) the complaint was found unsubstained..There was doctor excuses and documentaion in the office showing all issues had been addressed at the time the issue was discovered...The center also a monthly Pest Control treatment. As far a locks on the door's. the center is not allowed to have locks on the door due to safety concern.. Also all cots are numbered and each cot is assigned to a child (the list is located on the wall in all classrooms). And per the standards of the state of alabama cot sheets only have to be washed once a week. But as the director always says come on by anytime to see the center. No appointment needed

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angelbug6 2012-02-28 02:35:31

Horrible! I have worked here and also had my child here. Tons of fleas and roaches. Children are not sent home when they are sick. Two children had scabies and also were not sent home while they were getting treated. All children share cots and sheets are only washed once a week. Therefor you're child is sleeping on dirty sheets. I have seen children being popped with spoons, rulers, smacked in the back of the head, locked in bathrooms, tripped ALL by teachers and the director! State has been called many times by parents and workers but when the lady from state comes whom is also friends with the director no action is taken. I would  not suggest this daycare to anyone!

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