Fatima Del Rosario Gutierrez - Allentown PA Family Child Care Home

(610) 770-1602
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: FATIMA DEL ROSARIO GUTIERREZ is a Family Child Care Home in ALLENTOWN PA, with a maximum capacity of 6 children. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00184286
  • Capacity: 6
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Languages Supported: English, Spanish
  • Schools Served: Allentown City - Pick-Up Service to/from home, Allentown City - Pick-Up service to/from school
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 14
  • District Office Phone: (610) 437-6000 ext 2 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2020-10-08 Renewal 3290.123(a)(6) - Admission date Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children 1 and 2 did not have dates of admission on their agreements.

Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the date of the child's admission.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Facility obtained the dates of admission. In the future, they will be obtained upon enrollment.
2018-10-03 Renewal 3290.182(3)/3290.182(5) - Consent for emergency medical care required prior to admission/Consent for administration of minor first-aid required prior to admission Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Child 1 did not have permission for emergency medical care or first aid on file.

Correction Required: A child's record must contain signed parental consent for emergency medical care for the child. Written consent is required prior to admission.A child's record must contain signed parental consent for administration of minor first-aid procedures by facility staff. Written consent is required prior to admission.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider will get signatures. Will update every 6 months.
2018-10-03 Renewal 3290.22(a)/3290.24(d) - Availability/Plan posted Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The facility did not have the emergency plan and family day care regulations posted in a conspicuous location utilized by parents.

Correction Required: The facility's current certificate of registration and a copy of the applicable regulations under which the facility is certified shall be posted in a conspicuous location used by parents, with instructions for contacting the appropriate regional day care office posted at the same locationThe operator shall post the emergency plan in the facility at a conspicuous location.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider will post the emergency plan and regulations. They will continue to be posted.
2018-10-03 Renewal 3290.70(d) - Above ground window opening restricted to 6" Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Certification representative observed the bathroom window, which is on the 2nd floor and utilized by children, to be open more than six inches.

Correction Required: Windows or doors above the ground floor that open directly to the outdoors and are accessible to children shall be constructed, modified or adapted to limit the opening to 6 or fewer inches.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Window stoppers, which were built into the window, were utilized and the window will not open more then six inches. Provider will ensure that it is not open more than six inches when children are in care.
2017-10-05 Renewal 3290.123(a)(3)/3290.123(a)(6) - Services provided/Admission date Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children 2-4 had outdated child service reports on file.Child 2 also did not have a date of admission on file.

Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the services to be provided to the family and the child, including the Department's approved form to provide information to the family about the child's growth and development in the context of the services being provided. the operator shall complete and update the form and provide a copy to the family in accordance with the updates regarding emergency contact information at 3290.124(e).An agreement shall specify the date of the child`s admission.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider will complete and review child service reports with families of children 2-4. Provider will also obtain date of admission for child 2. In the future, child service reports will be updated every 6 months and the dates of admission will be documented upon enrollment.
2017-10-05 Renewal 3290.181(c) - Emergency info/agreement updated 6 mos Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children 1-4 did not have updated emergency forms and fee agreements.

Correction Required: A parent is required to review and update the emergency contact information and the financial agreement at least once in a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the information.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider will obtain updated emergency forms and fee agreements from the families of children 1-4. In the future, emergency forms and fee agreements will be updated every 6 months.
2017-10-05 Renewal 3290.24(b) - Plan reviewed/updated annually Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The date of the inspection was 10/5/2017, The emergency plan was last reviewed on January 2, 2016.

Correction Required: The operator shall review the emergency plan at least annually and update the plan as needed. The operator shall document in writing each review and update of the emergency plan.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider reviewed emergency plan and no changes occurred. In the future, provider will update emergency plan on an annual basis.
2017-10-05 Renewal 3290.64(a)/3290.103 - Locked or inaccessible - in original container/Small Toys and Objects Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Upon arrival, inspector observed that there was not a gate up leading to the kitchen area. In the kitchen area, cleaning materials were under the kitchen sink and not locked. In the upstairs bathroom, which is used by the children, plastic bags were in an open drawer and accessible to children.

Correction Required: Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be stored in an original labeled container or in a container that specifies the content. Toxics shall be kept in a locked area or in an area inaccessible to children, and shall be stored away from food, food preparation areas and child care spaces.Toys and objects with a diameter of less than 1 inch, objects with removable parts that have a diameter of less than 1 inch, plastic bags and styrofoam objects may not be accessible to children who are still placing objects in their mouths.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Provider put a lock on the kitchen cabinet in order to keep the cleaning materials inaccessible. The plastic bags were removed from the upstairs bathroom. In the future, toxics and plastic bags will continue to remain inaccessible to the children.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


narrow35 Jan 17, 2014

Worse Daycare!! Matilda have no people skills the children never look happy the babies always crying. She doesn't even teach the children my kids went there for about 2 weeks I pulled them out right away.not only they told stuff I've also witness bad things for myself I'm not trying to bash this Daycare but it's the truth if you send your child/ children there they start crying hanging on you that's a sign something is wrong
If you chose to.take your kid/ Kids there take it as your own risk!! Marshall and Friends not a good place for children

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Providers in ZIP Code 18102