Little Professional Learning Center - Nashville TN Centers Care for 13 or more children

(615) 902-0777
6 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Little Professional Learning Center is here to educate our children and prepare them as they grow into leaders. We provide an exciting and educational environment for our staff, parents and most of importantly, our children. Our purpose is to love, care and educate all children in our daycare facility and keep them safe while in the care of Little Professional Learning Center.

Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on: 10/23/2003; 3 Star Child Care Center; Wheelchair Accessible;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 44288
  • Capacity: 57
  • Age Range: 6 WK to 10 YR
  • State Rating: 3
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Transportation: NO
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2003-10-23
  • Current License Issue Date: 2015-04-01
  • District Office: Tennessee Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: (615)532-4521 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: REBECCA BARRY

Location Map


Gina 2012-12-13 01:52:39

My son has been attending LPLC for 2 years! I cannot believe how much he has learned in those 2 years! I wish he had started when he 6 weeks old! When he started there was an immediate change in his abilities, he came home happier, it was like we had different child! At the first of the year he was moved to the 3 year old and up class, he didn't want to move, he loved his class and his teachers. So, they came up with plan, he would spend time in each class, and before we knew it, he didn't want to go back to the the other class. Then we had to deal with some major allergies to foods! We are talking major! The teachers couldn't believe how strict, however after having several meetings with the director, we had plan! This plan has worked for 6 months!

I love the structure and program that LPLC has in place! The facility is 100% clean, when I pick my son up at end of day, I can take him anywhere and not worry about his clothes, heck, I don't even worry when he wears his "good" clothes he will come home clean!

My son brings home homework, it amazes me what he is doing as 4 year old, young 4 year old! We were eating out tonight he saw plates on wall, he pointed to them and counted them, there was lady next to us and she asked his age, when I told her, she told me she was elementary school teacher and she had students that couldn't recognize and count like he was doing.

There are no flaws in this learning center! My son is happy and learns something new daily! If you are looking for learning center for your child, then you need to call, you will not be sorry!

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Aggravated 2012-08-02 14:13:09

I don't know what my child does all day without me there. I've worked childcare for five years and know how a center should run. They watch tv way too much, I never receive a daily report sheet, I rarely if ever get to speak to his teacher, and the director is so difficult to deal with. I am hardly allowed back beyond the gate to actually go see my son's classroom, talk to his teachers, anything. I got snapped at by one of the teachers because I told her that I needed to wait the ten minutes for the director to arrive because I needed to speak with her. My child's diet is pretty much strictly vegetarian, with a seafood exception. The director wants me to bring him one kind of food in for him every day because he won't eat anything they fix. My child is almost vegan as well. He will not eat anything processed, and everything they cook is processed. Canned veggies, canned fruit, and frozen banquet or on cor meats. I say I will bring in food from home and the director tells me she needs a note from his doctor stating he's a picky eater. He's not a picky eater, he just knows how to eat healthy, and doesn't like salt. The director also doesn't want me bringing in tupperware dishes of home cooked food. She wants me to bring in canned ravioli, or spaghetti, canned food of some kind. I tried to explain to her that he won't eat that type of food and that is when she tells me she needs a 'doctor's note stating he's a picky eater'. More often than not he comes home starving because they just won't adhere to his dietary needs. The one teacher of his that I have met I really like. She seems to really care about my son and when I do get to speak with her she has a lot to say about his development and his learning. But I've met her so few times since he started at this center that I don't even know her name. I don't know any of their names except the director! None of the others even speak to me. The ones in the front ask who I'm picking up, go get him, and that's that. I wouldn't reccomend this place to anyone that actually wants their parental wishes and concerns for their child actually listened to, and put into active effect. If you don't mind your child standing in front of a tv all day with their face just inches from the screen, go for it! That's the first thing I saw on one of the few occasions that I have been able to get back to his classroom. I've gone through two different centers for my son within a two mile radius of each other and both have proven to be unfit for my child. If I could find a center that didn't lie to me about my son, actively took an interest in the well being and development of my child, and listened to me when I try to tell them something important about my child, then I would definitely switch him centers. I'm still in the middle of searching for a better center.

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Michelle 2012-06-06 19:29:43

My daughter has been attending this daycare facility since she was 10 weeks old (she'll be 5 in Aug.). She has thrived at this day care and simply loves going there. The staff and the director have been wonderful to our family and have gone out of their way to make sure my daughter's needs are always met.  For example, my daughter is a picky eater and the director makes sure to prepare food that she likes. Since my child will be starting Kindergarten soon, the teachers have helped us making sure she is ready including sending home homework at least twice a week.  As a concerned and involved parent, I would not hesitate to recommend this daycare to anyone.

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Jessie 2012-06-06 15:51:50

This is a wonderful daycare!! The staff @ LPLC is excellent. My oldest son attended LPLC & loved it. Now my youngest son now attends LPLC, you see my son has Down Syndrome, and I knew I needed a daycare that I could trust and wouldn't treat him any different due to his disability and I chose LPLC. He enjoys being dropped off, he greets each teacher by there name. My son has learned a lot at LPLC. I appreciate the care that my son has received at LPLC. I would recommend any Parent to this facility.

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Deanna 2012-06-05 00:57:45

I am a grandparent, teacherm i have truly enjoy the wonderful care from the Director and the other staff members. This a real star daycare and i have recommended this place to many people

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Michael 2012-02-01 16:00:29

My child has come home starving on many occasions, the director is difficult to work with, there are not enough teachers per child ratio, and items, papers, food...etc. seems to get mixed up often.  I have no idea what goes on while away and that makes me nervous.   However, Miss Cassy and Miss Groves are wonderful witht he children and seem to really care.   But I do not like seeing how the staff is treated by the director.  She even snaps at the parents.   If me or my wife come by during a time unexpected, this place seems to be irritated and a totally different atmosphere.   I have NO clue how they got a 3 star state rating.  They must have been warned before inspected!  Parents beware!

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