Description: LITTLE CUBS LEARN AND PLAY DAYCARE is a Day Care Centers in CALERA AL. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WKS Through 6 YRS. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
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I feel like this daycare really doesn’t have any heart for children that have been through any type of past trauma. My children came out of foster care and obviously with trauma like my kids have been through sometimes they may act out. My kids were in this daycare all of like 7 days and they terminated my 2 year old for hitting with absolutely no warning or even mentioning it before terminating him. They also refused to refund the money that I had already paid in advance. I wouldn’t suggest this place for anyone with 2 year old that may act out. (Even though I’ve never met a 2 year old that doesn’t act out) Very unprofessional!!