Description: The Kearney Community Learning Center (KCLC) provides academic based programs at Bryant, Central, Emerson, Kenwood, Park, Buffalo Hills, and Northeast elementary schools after school, Monday-Friday, everyday that school is in session. In addition, a summer program and out of school days are also available. A free homework clinic is available to all middle school students at Sunrise and Horizon Middle School every regularly scheduled school day. Enrichment activities are available after the homework session for a fee. A summer program is also offered for the Middle School KCLC Programs. Please contact the KCLC office for more information.
KCLC provides a variety of clubs, academic programs, homework help, enrichment activities, recreation activities, field trips and snacks! KCLC is an engaging and energetic program that will help children succeed both academically and socially! Parents are invited to participate in programs and activities.
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