Happy Hearts Learning Academy - Savannah GA Child Care Learning Center

1190 King George Boulevard, Suite A-2 , savannah GA 31419
(912) 920-5022
4 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: We believe that all children are unique and can learn through the cooperation amongst our highly trained staff. Happy Hearts Learning Academy activities will enhance childrens physical, emotional, social, cultural, and academic growth. Happy heart's children learn to think independently, problem solve and use their words to communicate their feelings.

We also believe that children learn better through repetition, consistency and stability. During the genesis stage of a child's development it is better for them to master one skill at a time. It is often revealed that by looking at something more than once you begin to notice things that you did not see the first time. Sometimes a child may learn in more than one way to become proficient. By using various learning styles we can help the child meet their goals. It is extremely beneficial for a child to have consistent achievable challenges placed before him/her in order to boost morale. It is also important for the child to be in a safe environment where he/she has the room to move about and explore. We feel these values are important to the development of a child in order to help them become independent. For these skills to grow the center must make sure it creates an environment conducive to learning, such as:

Reduce the number of transitions throughout the day.
Ensure the environment feels safe for the child.
Provide activities that are slightly challenging without frustration.
Make learning fun.

The proper physical development of a child is fostered by the adults around them. Children look toward adults for answers and reassurance. Adults must set goals and limits. We as adults, must encourage healthy living and discourage undesired lifestyles. It is important that we are positive examples of what we teach. Children depend on adults to be their role models and provide stability.

During early development their social and emotional growth must be first be introduced to them by adults in their life. Adults must show them how bonds are formed. These bonds can be formed within the center by creating games, fostering their imagination and allowing them to outwardly communicate their feelings in a healthy way. Cognitive learning is achieved when adults create an environment in which children can understand spatial, perceptual, and attributive relationships.

We can confirm that the desirable behavior in learning has been mastered when the child can retell a short story with a vague concept of time; can count to 10 and knows how to recite the primary colors. Adults help to develop a moral development in a child by discouraging undesirable behavior through correction, apologies and redirection.

Additional Information: Has Evening Care; Has Cacfp; Has Drop In Care; Has School Age Summer Care;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CCLC-37951
  • Capacity: 30
  • Age Range: Toddler (13 months - 2 years), Preschool (3 years - 4 years), School Age (5+)
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations QualityRated_Participant;
  • Rate Range 1 year - $140.00|2 years - $140.00|3 years - $140.00|4 years - $140.00|5 years & older - $150.00
  • Quality Rated Star: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Before-school Program|After-school Program; Full Time|Part Time
  • Transportation: To/From School|On School Bus Route

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report Date Arrival Time Report Type
2023-07-25 08:50 AM Monitoring Visit
2023-03-28 08:10 AM Licensing Study
2022-12-02 01:00 PM Complaint Investigation by Phone
2022-08-09 01:50 PM Monitoring Visit
2022-02-22 09:40 AM Licensing Study
2021-08-19 12:00 PM Monitoring Visit
2021-02-01 10:45 AM Licensing Study
2020-08-28 12:30 PM Monitoring Visit
2020-03-09 09:30 AM Licensing Study
2019-09-13 09:00 AM Monitoring Visit
2019-01-23 09:30 AM Monitoring Visit POI Follow-Up
2019-01-02 12:30 PM Licensing Study
2018-12-17 11:00 AM Monitoring Visit
2018-09-21 12:15 PM Monitoring Visit
2018-08-30 02:00 PM Incident Investigation Closure

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Cmccoy 2015-10-25 12:54:36
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

We recently relocated from Tampa where we had an amazing private daycare provider for my granddaughter. The first daycare we placed her in in Savannah turned into a nightmare within one week.
We finally found Happy Hearts and are thrilled! The smaller classroom sizes and personal interest are much appreciated! My grand daughter doesn't cry in the mornings anymore and is excited to go to school every day. She brings home her learning projects every week and has homework on occasion.
I would recommend Happy Hearts to friends and family.

77 out of 157 think this review is helpful
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Danielle Coffell 2015-01-23 20:53:37

I have a 2 1/2 year old that attends this facility and I couldn't have asked for a better place! They treat both parents and children like their family. I have never had a problem getting receipts (if I forget to get one, one is sent home that same afternoon). My daughter absolutely LOVES going, and asks on the weekend if she can go to school.

82 out of 167 think this review is helpful
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Tammy P. 2015-01-13 22:50:32

I am actually a lead teacher in the 3 year old classroom, and have been working there since the above comment was written (and the child was in my class for a time). I am a 35 year old female and have been working there for a year now. When I began there was an older woman who worked there as the cook, and a younger woman who was in the "baby" room. There was also an additional floater who worked wherever the need was. As we are licensed through bright from the start, we have rules and regulations that we must follow, and as we are trying to become a part of quality rating, we have to follow stricter rules and regulations. Currently, we have not had any additional parental complaints within our establishment, and weren't even aware of this complaint until now. Please never hesitate to come in and see us, we have 3 classes with a different teacher in each one.

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April Kelly 2014-03-28 20:40:39

Very Clean! You can eat off the floor. However, there is no structure and no organization. To me its more of a baby sitting environment. There is one staff member she is an elderly who works with infants. She especially goes out of her way to treat you respectfully and to take care of a child. The owner complains constantly of her own staff. So what does that tell you. They will work with you because of the need to expand their services. In order to get your money and the owner will go against all violations of the state in order to satisfy the state obligations of poor people who need help. Just to get the money. You can't even get your receipts for income tax purposes. For example, she will promise to give you receipts when you pay. Charge the state for all purposes to continue profiting for her establishment. Also she is very personal and unprofessional to acquire of your personal business. Once you put her in place she plots and uses tactics to end your childcare relationship. How sad and unprofessional. A clean daycare with dirt behind the scenes. How Christians play and use God as ploy to run a childcare business. Personal experience.

83 out of 162 think this review is helpful
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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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