Description: "Creative Wonders Learning Academy" would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to tour our new childcare facility, where children will learn in a CHRIST centered, clean, and safe environment. Having grown up in this community I understand how important it is to establish a strong foundation that will positively impact growth. To introduce our services to the community we've started with: SUMMER CAMP....$55.00 weekly....ages 5 thru 12 beginning NOW through Friday August 7th, 6am til 6pm To schedule individual or group tours please call show contact info Sincerely Owners, Pamela, and Ronald Baker Creative Wonders Learning Academy 2490 Chelsea Av. Memphis, Tn. 38108
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The owners are present and involved with the children. The teachers are abreast of innovative methods of teaching in Early Childhood Education. You can feel that all of the staff genuinely care for the children.