Welcome to Busy Feet Childcare Incorporated!! We are open Monday through Friday from 6:00am to 6:00pm. Our experienced staff cares for children ages 6 weeks through 13 years of age. We offer a relaxed and fun environment for your child to learn and grow. A secured entrance helps ensure your child's safety. Fun weekly themes help us plan our curriculum around topics your child will find interesting for a fun way to promote educational development. Our daily routine includes time for large motor, small motor, verbal skills (including reading), art activities, and outside play. Children age 3 and above are invited to participate in outings outside the building with parent permission. Our toddler program offers "potty training" at you and your child's own pace. We also love to sing and dance!!
We have a cafeteria area where we serve breakfast, lunch and snacks. All food items are prepared in our facility and approved by the federal food program. All staff preparing food is certified with food handler permits and has been trained regarding proper food servings. We also provide formula (Enfamil Lipil with Iron) to our infant children, as well as baby food and cereals.
All staff is trained in Social Emotional Development, CPR and First Aid, Health and Safety, Supervision of Children, Child Abuse and Neglect, SIDs, and Shaken Baby, as well as many other topics as offered throughout the year including Early Learning Guidelines to ensure we provide the best quality care possible to give your child a head start in cognitive development.
Transportation is provided to Roper Elementary as well as on our many outings. All van drivers have completed Transportation training and have received certificates for car seat installation.
Busy Feet Childcare offers both full time and part time care availability as well as rates.
We accept title XX subsidy, cash, check and money orders and have limited scholarship funding available!
Participates in the USDA Child Care Food Program; Initial License Date: 10/01/2002.
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