Abc Kids Academy - Newark DE Licensed Child Care Center

(302) 366-8537

About the Provider

Description: ABC KIDS ACADEMY is a Licensed Child Care Center in NEWARK DE, with a maximum capacity of 101 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 weeks through 12 years.. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Stars Rating: Starting with Stars; Financial Arrangements: Purchase of Care; Reported Injuries & Deaths: 2019: 1 facility injury. No facility deaths reported.;

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 101
  • Age Range: 6 weeks through 12 years.
  • State Rating: 4
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: State of Delaware, Office of Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-822-2236 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor:

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulation Code Status
2020-02-26 Non Compliance 36U - Staff Attendance Corrected
Corrective Action: A staff member was not signed into a classroom where she was present. Send one week's worth of attendance records for the school-age classrooms.
2020-02-20 Non Compliance 62U - Child Health Exclusions Corrected
Corrective Action: Temperatures for children under three years old must be taken using a non-glass thermometer under the arm or by a forehead scan. A child's temperature was taken rectally. This was corrected at the visit with technical assistance.
2020-02-05 Non Compliance 48U - Heating and Cooling Corrected
Corrective Action: The temperature in the infant room was between 83 and 85 degrees during this visit. The thermostat was adjusted at the end of this visit, but the temperature had not lowered prior to the visit ending. Ensure the indoor temperature stays between 68 and 82 degrees.
2020-02-04 Non Compliance 56U - Sleeping Accommodations and Safe Sleep Environments Corrected
Corrective Action: An infant was sleeping in a bouncy seat with a blanket, upon arrival to the infant classroom. This was corrected at the visit when the infant was placed on her back in the crib.
2020-02-04 Non Compliance 26U - Staffing Corrected
Corrective Action: Concerns were addressed with staff regarding use of cellphones. Staff members providing care for children may not participate in personal activities, such as using a cellphone, that would interfere with providing care to children.
2019-09-09 Non Compliance 19N - Child files Corrected
Corrective Action: An updated health appraisal is needed for Child #5.
2019-09-09 Non Compliance 40N - Outdoor climate and space Corrected
Corrective Action: The wire fencing on the playground is sticking out, creating a safety hazard. Send documentation that this is fixed or made inaccessible to children.
2019-09-09 Non Compliance 20N - Personnel files Corrected
Corrective Action: Staff #1 and #2 need proof of current CPR/First Aid Certification. Staff #3 needs two references.
2019-09-09 Non Compliance 67N - Documenting children's progress Corrected
Corrective Action: Development plans need to be updated 3x a year. Send updated plans for Child #1, #2, #3, and #4.
2019-09-09 Non Compliance 70N - Equipment Corrected
Corrective Action: There were broken plastic lids and containers in two of the classrooms, and a broken chair in one of the classrooms. These items were removed during this visit. Soft items (pillows) need to be cleaned in the school-age and infant room. Send a picture when this is completed. Repair outlet plate in one of the rooms and make it flush to the wall. Outlet was blocked by furniture during this visit until it is fixed.
2019-08-02 Non Compliance 30N - Ratios, group size, and supervision Corrected
Corrective Action: A staff member left the classroom she was in two times during this visit. This left the other staff with 17 children starting at age three. This was corrected at the visit. Upon entering the building from the playground, a child ran into his classroom without the teacher. This was corrected at the visit when the child was returned to the group of children.
2019-08-02 Non Compliance 22N - General qualifications Corrected
Corrective Action: Two staff members were in the toddler room during this visit that have not been fingerprinted yet. This was corrected when a qualified, fingerprinted staff member switched places so both the infant and toddler room had a qualified staff member.
2019-08-02 Non Compliance 42N - Sleeping accommodations Corrected
Corrective Action: Cribs must be 18 inches apart while in use by infants. Two cribs were pressed together while children were napping. One infant had a bottle in the crib while she was asleep. This was corrected at the visit.
2019-08-02 Non Compliance 36N - General safety practices Corrected
Corrective Action: Areas of the school-age classroom had trash hidden behind furniture and children's personal belongings on the floor. Ensure floors and walls stay clean, and children are utilizing the cubbies for their bookbags. This will be checked at the annual compliance review in September.
2019-07-24 Non Compliance 30N - Ratios, group size, and supervision Corrected
Corrective Action: Children enrolled in the school-age program were walking back and forth between rooms and walking in the lobby area of the center without a staff member. This was discussed and corrected at the visit, and a plan of action was received on July 25, 2019, to ensure this does not reoccur. Two classrooms had improper staff-to-child ratios during this visit. Two staff members were in classrooms during nap time that do not have the qualifications to be left alone. Therefore, they do not count in ratio when left alone. Send a staffing schedule, including breaks during nap time, that ensures unqualified staff are not left alone. Maintain proper staff-to-child ratios at all times.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 19711