Beach Buddies Academy LLC - Knotts Island NC Child Care Center

108 Bryan Road , KNOTTS ISLAND NC 27950
(757) 701-3856

About the Provider

Description: Beach Buddies Academy LLC is a Child Care Center in KNOTTS ISLAND NC, with a maximum capacity of 12 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 through 12. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 27000134
  • Capacity: 12
  • Age Range: 0 through 12
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services - Division of Child Development
  • District Office Phone: (919) 662-4499 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Violations Rule
2024-03-05 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2024-03-05 Violation 108 G.S. 110-91(14)
The operator made an effort to falsify information. In a compliance letter received on January 30, 2024, the operator stated that two violations related to children's records were corrected. When following up on the children's records violations on March 5, 2024, it was observed that the children's records were still missing or incomplete.
2024-03-05 Violation 805 .0604(t); .0302(d)(5)
Fire drills were not practiced monthly and/or the drill record was incomplete. Documentation of a monthly fire drill was not available for February 2024.
2024-03-05 Violation 841 15A NCAC 18A .2820(d)
Medications including prescription and non-prescription items were not stored in a locked cabinet or other locked container. Insect repellent was stored out of reach on a high shelf in the child care space but was not locked. Six diaper creams were stored in individual bins that were not out of reach of children in an unlocked cabinet in the bathroom.
2024-03-05 Violation 842 10A NCAC 09 .0803(1)(a & b)
A drug or medication was administered without written authorization and/or instructions from a child's parent or authorized health professional. Two diaper creams used by two siblings did not have a medication permission form that includes all required information.
2024-03-05 Violation 849 .0803(12)
Leftover medicines were not returned to the parent after the course of treatment was completed, after authorization was withdrawn or after authorization had expired and/or medication was not discarded within 72 hours of completion of treatment or withdrawal of authorization. Two diaper creams were observed for children who were no longer enrolled in the child care.
2024-03-05 Violation 1321 GS110-91(1)
Medical exam or health assessment record was not on file before or within 30 days after admission. In one of three children's files reviewed for a follow-up check, a child's medical report was still not available for a child enrolled on October 9, 2023.
2024-03-05 Violation 1329 .0801(a)(1-7)
Application for enrollment did not include all required information. In one of two children's files reviewed for a follow-up check, the parent still did not complete all required information in the health care needs section.
2024-01-16 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2024-01-16 Violation 114 GS 110-102
A summary of the NC Child Care Law was not given to a parent of every child enrolled in the center. In one of four children's files reviewed, documentation of receipt of the Summary of NC Child Care Law was not available.
2024-01-16 Violation 847 10A NCAC 09 .0803(4)(6-9)
Parent's medication authorization did not include required information. A medication form for an Albuterol inhaler did not include a six-month authorization period from the date of the parent's signature and the child's medical condition.
2024-01-16 Violation 1035 .0701(a)
Child care providers, including the director, uncompensated providers, substitute providers, and volunteers did not have the required Emergency Information Form on file on or before the first day of work, which included all the required information and/or the information on the form was not updated as changes occur and at least annually. A completed Staff Emergency Information form was not available for the teacher.
2024-01-16 Violation 1045 .1101(a)
New staff, who had contact with children, did not receive at least 16 hrs. orientation within first 6 weeks. Documentation of the second part of new staff orientation for a teacher hired on October 9, 2023 was not completed.
2024-01-16 Violation 1203 10A NCAC 09 .0514(b)
Operational policies were not discussed with parents on or before the child's first day and/or they were not notified in writing of all changes. In one of four children's files reviewed, documentation of receipt of the parent handbook was not available.
2024-01-16 Violation 1207 10A NCAC 09 .0515(a)
Parent participation plan was not discussed with parents on or before the child's first day of attendance and/or a copy was not given to them or posted in the center. In one of four children's files reviewed, documentation of receipt of the parent participation plan was not available.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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