Preschool Director at La Verne United Methodist Preschool

  • Company Name La Verne United Methodist Preschool
  • Contact Information 909)593-2013
  • Required Education 2 Year Degree
  • Rate Range 23-26 per hour
  • Job Description

    La Verne United Methodist Preschool Director

    Job Description

    Job Description: The Director will function as the overall supervisor to all business aspects of the Preschool, including but not limited to: supervision of all employees, maintaining the budget, child programs for ages Infant to 6 years, and ensuring that policies and procedures are followed and communications with all groups of the Church. The Director will be directly supervised by the Pastor and report to the Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Preschool Advisory Council. 


    Job Qualifications:

    An associate of arts degree or a bachelor's degree from an accredited or approved college or university with a major or emphasis in early childhood education or child development; and at least two years (one year for a bachelor's degree) of teaching experience in a licensed child care center or comparable group child care program.

    Minimum 15 ECE units, specifically: 

    Minimum of 3 units in administration or staff relations

    Minimum of 12 units such as General areas of child growth and development or human growth and development; child, family, and community, or child and family; and program/curriculum.

    A minimum of 2 years of teaching and 1-year supervisory experience in a licensed child care program


    BA degree with 24 Early Child Education units (including core courses listed above)

    Knowledge and experience in teach-to-child ratios, staffing, and budgeting

    A Child Development Site Supervisor Permit or a Child Development Program Director Permit issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

    Current Infant/Child/Adult CPR First Aid/AED Certification

    Knowledge of Title 22

    Must have a professional, positive, friendly, helpful personality that is sympathetic to our Christian faith and the purposes of the La Verne United Methodist Church

    Computer Skills, precisely:

    Microsoft Office & Day Care Accounting Software (e.g., QuickBooks)


    Hours of Employment and Benefits:

    40 hours per week as a non-exempt employee 

    Hourly wage: $23-26 per hour based on education and experience.

    Review to be held annually with the potential increase in the hourly rate

    60% Tuition Discount for the child in attendance

    Sick days as per personnel policy & state regulation of 24 hours per year

    School Vacation of 10 days per year. Max to be used in one year is 15 total days per year

    School vacation days as listed in Personal Policy. 


    Job Tasks:


    Plan and implement a curriculum for children ages 2 through 6 years old that is developmentally appropriate and helps children develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, socially, and spiritually

    Plan annual curriculum, themes, and Biblical stories

    Evaluate curriculum annually

    Maintain staff-to-child ratios set by Licensing 

    Maintain student records

    Maintain appropriate equipment for classrooms and playgrounds

    Manage enrollment and waiting lists 



    Tour prospective parents and guide parents through the enrollment process

    Update Admission Agreement each year; distribute and collect signed copy for child's file

    Ensure sign-in/sign out procedures are followed

    Maintain parent relationships through regular communication

    Publish school newsletter and calendar online regularly

    Be available for parent/teacher conferences

    Make referrals for children who may need services from outside agencies

    Encourage parent participation 



    Hire, train and supervise qualified, quality staff 

    Terminate staff when necessary (at-will employment)

    Perform annual performance evaluations

    Observe classroom management regularly

    Require and review lesson plans

    Keep staff contracts current for each semester and keep records for seven years

    Run regular staff meetings (suggest 5 per school year)

    Develop and distribute monthly staff calendar

    Encourage staff development by providing in-service training and arranging opportunities to attend conferences

    Maintain staff records and review them annually

    Maintain daily staff schedules

    Provide substitute staff members when necessary


    Relationship with La Verne United Methodist Church

    Make a report to the Annual Charge Conference.

    Attend church-related meetings when required and provide monthly enrollment and financial reports to the Preschool Advisory Council (PAC) and Finance.

    Attend, report, and participate in monthly PAC meetings.

    Maintain positive working relationships with church leaders to ensure good Church/Preschool cooperation exists

    Share relevant material, such as newsletter and calendar, with Pastor and church office. 

    Report to the Board of Trustees issues related to building and grounds (ex.: building not clean, not found secure, etc.)

    Report annual budget upon approval of Advisory Council to the Finance for review and Church Council for final approval. 


    Program Operations

    Work with Community Care Licensing to ensure facility and all paperwork comply.

    Comply with all local, state, and federal laws relating to the Center's operations

    Communicate with the congregation regularly about events and activities that are taking place in the Preschool (i.e., newsletter)

    Market program in the community

    Maintain earthquake supplies, conduct regular emergency evacuation drills

    Conduct fire drills monthly. 

    Ensure evacuation routes are posted as per Fire Marshall standards

    Manage supplies and monitor for quality control

    Evaluate policies and procedures for parents and staff regularly.

    Assign a qualified staff member to be in charge when absent

    Plan annual programs (e.g., Thanksgiving Feast, Graduation, etc.)

    Develop annual budget for Advisory Council approval

    Operate Center within approved budget 

    Review monthly Income/Expense report

    Manage accounts receivable and accounts payable

    Manage payroll, vacation & sick records

    Plan and oversee fundraising efforts with members of the Advisory Council and staff



    Ensure all equipment is safe and in good condition and repaired as necessary.

    Maintain general shape and upkeep of rooms and outside areas

    Report all unsafe conditions and any needed facility repairs to the Trustees. 

  • Job Requirements

    Please see the job description

  • How to Apply please send your resume to