Shoals Christian School - Florence AL Day Care Centers

(256) 767-7070

About the Provider

Description: Shoals Christian School is a K3-12 college preparatory, nondenominational, Christian school located in Florence, Alabama. Our city nestles on the northern bank of the beautiful Tennessee River and is part of a quad-city area known as "The Shoals." As our name implies, we provide families of the Shoals area a distinctively Christian education opportunity emphasizing the pursuit of excellence in character, academic achievement and service to Christ by serving others.

Incorporated in 1997 by the merging of two schools sponsored by Christ Chapel and Woodmont Baptist Church, SCS was founded in order to provide a non-denominational approach to Christian education. We welcome students from a variety of churches and denominations. Graduating our first class in 2000, SCS has graduates attending colleges, universities, and graduate programs throughout the nation. (click here for list) SCS is governed by a Board of Directors responsible for the direction of the Headmaster who oversees the daily operation of the school.

Our approach to Christian education is student centered. Small class size allows our teachers to develop a personal relationship with each student. Our committed faculty and staff seek to work in partnership with your family to provide each student an opportunity to develop his or her strengths and talents. The nurturing, spiritual environment at SCS endeavors to build a strong foundation that empowers students to serve God courageously and joyfully, thus equipping students to fulfill God's calling on their lives. Our prayer is for each student to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and upon graduation to know what they believe, why they believe it, and to be able to defend their beliefs with gentleness and respect. (I Peter 3:15)

Program and Licensing Details

  • Age Range: N/A
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Alabama Department of Human Resources - Child Care Services Division
  • District Office Phone: (334)242-1425 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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