Presleybrooke Academy - Creedmoor NC Four Star Center License

(919) 528-1010
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: PRESLEYBROOKE ACADEMY is a Four Star Center License in CREEDMOOR NC, with a maximum capacity of 100 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 through 12. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Three Star Center License

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 39000235
  • Capacity: 100
  • Age Range: 0 through 12
  • State Rating: 4
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • District Office: North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services - Division of Child Development
  • District Office Phone: (919) 662-4499 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Violations Rule
2023-07-25 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2023-07-25 Violation 406 15A NCAC 18A .2819(a)
All staff did not wash their hands in an approved handwashing lavatory.Staff member's did not wash their hands after changing children's diapers nor did they remove their gloves in between diaper changes.
2023-07-25 Violation 415 GS 110-91(12);.0508(a)
A current schedule was not posted for each group of children for reference. A current schedule was not posted in the infant room, it was dated 6/12/23. The The infant did correct this during the visit.
2023-07-25 Violation 432 GS 110-91(12);10A NCAC 09 .0509(1)
The center did not have developmentally appropriate equipment and materials accessible daily. A few of the classroom were missing developmentally appropriate materials on the shelves,the shelves were empty. The director stated they were doing some rearranging in the classrooms and the materials were in the storage area.
2023-07-25 Violation 601 15A NCAC 18A .2806(j)(2)
Refrigerator(s) did not maintain a temperature of 45 degrees F. or below.The refrigerator did not maintain a temperture of 45 degrees F. In the infant room the temperture was 52 degrees F.
2023-07-25 Violation 608 15A NCAC 18A .2803(c)
Children did not wash their hands upon arrival at the center, after each visit to the toilet, before eating, before and after water activity play, after outside play, and after handling animals or animal cages. Children did not wash their hands after toileting and diaper changing.Children's hands were not washed after diaper changing.
2023-07-25 Violation 609 15A NCAC 18A .2803(a)
Staff did not wash their hands thoroughly before beginning work, before/after handling food, before bottle feeding or serving to other children, after toileting or handling body fluids, after diaper changing and after handling soiled items. Staff memebers did not wash their hands after diaper changing.
2023-07-25 Violation 847 10A NCAC 09 .0803(4)(6-9)
Parent's medication authorization did not include required information. One child's medication authorization did include the date and or time frame for the medication.
2023-07-25 Violation 858 .0604(q)
Plastic bags, materials that could be torn apart and toy parts small enough to be swallowed were accessible to children under three years of age.A two year old child was walking around the classroom eating cereal out of a plastic bag. Plastic bags should not be accessible to children under the age of three.
2023-07-25 Violation 1052 .1103(a)
Staff required to receive on-going training had not completed the required number of hours according to their education and experience.One staff member has not completed the required number of hours to receive on-going training.
2023-07-25 Violation 1897 .1102(g)
The child care administrator and all staff did not complete the Recognizing and Responding to Suspicions of Child Maltreatment training within 90 days of employment. One staff member did not complete the recognizing and responding to suspicions of child maltreatment training with in 90 days of employment.
2023-07-25 Violation 1908 .0608(b)(1-6)
A child's file did not have a statement with parent signature acknowledging receipt and explanation of the Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma policy and/or the acknowledgement did not have all the required information.A child's file did not have a parent signature acknowleding receipt of the shaken baby policy.
2023-04-19 Unannounced Inspection No
2022-11-28 Unannounced Inspection No
2022-08-10 Unannounced Inspection Yes

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Anon 2023-08-02 23:02:18

Worst communication amongst upper management and employees.

Parents lying to get daycare providers fired because they don’t like the provider.

Too much micromanaging by the owner whom sits at home all day long and watches the cameras.

Cameras are in inappropriate sites, ie, pointed straight at diaper changing table which as a parent I feel that’s borderline child pornography.

Director stretched too thin having to go between Presleybrooke Academy and White Rabbit Daycare all the time.

If you have the option to take your children to another daycare, please do so.

All daycare rooms are filthy and in desperate need of deep cleaning day least every other day.

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Chaney H Wiggins 2020-12-03 17:54:04
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

My grandson was there since he was 3 months old. We had an incident last year regarding a staff which was later due to being fired. Ofcourse we became very nervous about sending him back, but the director and her boss assured us that they have cameras up and this will not happen again. Both of them lied and would not produce video of my grandson getting hurt by another staff. I called the police myself because my grandson had bruises on him nor director or boss was willing to help!!.And then had the nerve to say they were threatened because I called the police!!Be very careful where you send your children too.....

60 out of 118 think this review is helpful
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